We welcome Susan Wood as our new Master

We welcome Susan Wood as our new Master

Master Feltmaker Susan Wood

At the Court meeting on Friday 2 October, at Haberdashers’ Hall, Susan Wood was installed as the Company’s new Master. Susan, previously our Upper Warden, follows now Past Master Nick Heal.  She is the first lady to be elected to be Master in the 405 year history of the Feltmakers.

Later at the Installation dinner, the reception given by Liverymen to their new Master showed the popularity of her appointment, and we look forward to excellent year under her leadership.

As usual the other Wardens have progressed so that John Ray is our new Upper Warden, Eda Rose-Lawson our new Renter Warden, Anthony Phillips our new 3rd. Warden and we welcome as our new 4th. Warden, Simon Bartley.

Master Susan Wood with Upper Warden John Ray, Renter Warden Eda Rose-Lawson, 3rd. Warden Anthony Phillips and 4th. Warden Simon Bartley

Master Susan Wood with Upper Warden John Ray, Renter Warden Eda Rose-Lawson, 3rd. Warden Anthony Phillips and 4th. Warden Simon Bartley


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