The Master’s Golf Day 2012

The Master’s Golf Day 2012

The Master’s Golf Day was held at Camberley Heath Golf Club in Surrey at the beginning of May. Twelve intrepid (some might say foolhardy) souls braved the elements on what was a wet, blustery May day. But the weather turned out to be not as bad as forecast and everyone finished their round not too wet, though definitely not dry. The principal casualty was my camera so, regretfully, there are no photos for posterity of Peter Keens’ sylphlike swing or of Nick Mellstrom’s gritty determination to get his ball to do what he wanted!

As ever, the Camberley Heath course was a challenge and much enjoyed by Liverymen and guests alike. The winner was one of Edward Hutton’s guests, Stewart Womersley, and the runner-up was Anthony Philips. Prizes were also awarded for longest drive and nearest the pin.

Despite the weather, it was a most enjoyable day. We were delighted that the Master and her husband joined us for dinner where the Master regaled us with an amusing address before presenting the prizes which she had generously donated.

Gerry Higginson



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