One of the distinguishing traditions of our Livery Company is that each year the Master, attended by his Wardens and the Clerk, presents the newly-installed Lord Mayor with his tricorn hat.
The presentation takes place in a short ceremony at the Lord Mayor’s official residence, Mansion House the day after his first major official ceremony, the Lord Mayor’s Banquet at Guildhall. Although it’s a formal occasion, where gentlemen present wear morning suits with black waistcoats, the Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor Alderman Michael Bear and his wife Barbara went out of their way to make us welcome at this year’s event on Tuesday 16 November.
One aspect of the election process of the Lord Mayor which is not universally appreciated is that he only becomes Lord Mayor the moment he dons his hat at the Silent Ceremony in Guildhall. The significance of that event means that the Feltmakers can’t actually formally present him with his hat until he has already received it and worn it! The hat is made by Patey Hats of London and Cirencester and there is a picture of it on their website.
No sooner had the Master presented the Lord Mayor with his hat when news of the Royal Engagement came through, which allowed those present to raise their glasses for a double celebration.
Edward Hutton
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