Inter-Livery Clay Pigeon Shooting Competition 2017

Inter-Livery Clay Pigeon Shooting Competition 2017

Well, it poured with rain on the day of the Inter-Livery Clay Pigeon Shooting Competition last year, and after a prolonged dry spell we had our first really wet day for this year’s May 17 shoot at Holland and Holland’s grounds in Northwood, Middlesex. Undaunted, the brave Feltmakers’ team slushed off round the 10 stand plus flush course soon after an early breakfast.

Regular team member, Peter Winfield took over the team captaincy this year, in the absence of our Clerk, Jollyon, who was unavailable. Other team members were Bill Gammell, Peter Shirley and new Feltmaker, Mark Williams.

Mark Williams, Bill Gammell, Peter Winfield and Peter Shirley

The usual mix of good and less good performances were diligently recorded, by the ever cheerful Holland and Holland staff. The team’s score card was approaching the consistency of papier maché from repeated exposure to the weather, by the end of the shoot. At time of writing, the Worshipful Company of Environmental Cleaners, who organise this annual event for charity, have not published the results on their website, but we know that we are likely to be somewhere in the middle of the 180 teams that competed.

Mark blazes away

This is a very light-hearted affair with everyone in good spirits despite the rain, and culminates in a very welcome substantial lunch featuring a hog roast, in the main marquee. During the day, we remembered our former Feltmaker team colleague, William Battersby, who died so tragically in a light aircraft crash in October last year.

Peter Winfield

Let’s hope the weather treats us more kindly next year, but at least our gardens received a much needed soak while we were away shooting, this time.


Peter Shirley


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