Installation Dinner 2013

Installation Dinner 2013

The Installation Dinner

On the warm autumnal evening of Friday, 4th October, our Installation Dinner was once again held in the elegant atmosphere of Haberdashers’ Hall.At the Court meeting beforehand Simon Bartley

The Master, Simon Bartley

had been installed as our new Master and His Honour Judge Nicholas Hilliard QC had been sworn in as the new Fourth Warden.Following Grace offered by our Chaplain and the usual impressive menu and splendid selection of wines,

Rachel Trevor-Morgan

Rachel Trevor-Morgan gave an eloquent welcome to all guests.

The Master’s principal guest was the Right Reverend Richard Moth, Bishop of the Forces, who had been appointed by Pope Benedict XVI in 2009.Other guests included the Masters of Haberdashers, Woolmen, Watermen & Lightermen and Tallow Chandlers; the Upper Bailiff of the Weavers and Mr Alderman Jeffrey Evans.

Bishop Moth

Bishop Moth regaled us with some amusing anecdotes on wearing hats.He recalled a visit to a school in Germany when, in an effort to entertain, he had taken off his mitre to reveal his zucchetto, only for one child to remark that that was ‘silly’.On a serious note however Bishop Moth said that the wearing of the Master’s hat brings with it responsibility and he felt certain that under the Master’s direction the good work done by the City would continue.He concluded by saying that the Feltmakers’ hat was a fine hat filled with a wise head on a sure path.

Early on in his address the Master expressed his sadness at the recent death of Past Master John Curteis, who would be greatly missed.In stating his main objectives for the year, he promised to build on the progress made by recent Masters and the Court to encourage participation in events by new Liverymen and to attract younger applicants to join the Company. The Master then outlined his plan to raise money for the Feltmakers and other charities in June by accompanying (on foot) our gallant Clerk in his determination to row across Scotland.Finally, he conveyed his thanks to Bishop Moth; Immediate Past Master Anthony Phillips; his father and Past Master Charles Simeons for his admission to the Livery; and the Court for entrusting him with the role of Master.

An invitation by the Master to join him for a stirrup cup brought this hugely enjoyable evening to a close.

Elaine Howard


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