Autumn 2010 e-Newsletter

Autumn 2010 e-Newsletter

The Livery is always trying to improve communication with its Members and so this Autumn we have, as a trial, e-mailed out a newsletter to all Feltmakers who have registered an e-mail address with the Clerk. If this proves popular, and early feedback suggests that it is, then we plan to send out an e-newsletter three times a year to reinforce the messages that the Clerk sends by conventional mail. We have also prepared a version of this newsletter, which is in the form of a pdf file and which has been re-formatted into 4 pages, suitable for Members to print off, themselves.

There are no plans for this e-newsletter to replace the Clerk’s regular mailshot, or for it to replace The Feltmaker magazine.

You can see our new Autumn e-Newsletter in printable pdf format by clicking here.


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