2019 London Craft Week

8-10 MAY 2019 | 11AM

Unveiled: The Craft Of Millinery | Exhibition

Rachel Trevor MorganNoel Stewart and Edwina Ibbotson have curated a hat exhibition as part of London Craft Week to celebrate our fabulous craft of millinery.

We are working with the support of Fenwick, the Worshipful Company of Feltmakers and the Artworkers Guild who are hosting the event.

The exhibition showcases hats from 14 milliners, chosen for their craftsmanship and originality of their designs. Each designer will demonstrate a particular discipline and technique. Displays showing the workings of each hat at various stages will be available so that visitors can better understand what goes into the craft of millinery.

Price: Free admission 
Date and time: 8 May 2019, 11am-6pm | 9-10 May 2019, 11am-8pm 
Location: The Art Workers’ Guild, 6 Queen Square, London WC1N 3AT To find out more information and to book tickets, please visit unveiledthecraftofmillinery.com